Saturday, November 20, 2010

what's up this evening

"Yeah, I'm pumped. I'm going to follow through on this project! Now, all I have to do is figure out what to upload today..." That's what was going through my mind as I picked up Charlie's little Canon point-and-shoot. I started to play around with it, reverting it from the old settings I was using when I shot pictures at that Say Anything/Motion City Soundtrack/Saves the Day concert in Boston that Charlie and I went to a couple weeks ago.

I didn't quite know what I was going to post up here, so I just pointed... and shot.

After I took the photo, I looked down at the screen on back of the camera and something looked interesting. Something looked different from what I would usually expect to see.

The couch. It was brown.

Charlie has had this couch for a while now, and when I looked at the display on the camera, I was slightly shocked. This whole time I was under the impression that it was black. I was hardly even able to say "Holy crap, Charlie! Look at this." I was just amazed that I had never noticed the sofa to be that color.

The reason I didn't notice before makes sense, though. The lighting in the living room of Charlie's condo is kind of dim. There's one lamp (which is finally hooked up to the right outlet so it is controlled by the switch on the wall). It's pretty small. There is also some light that comes from the kitchen adjacent and from beyond the glass sliding door to the deck, but it doesn't seem to be at a great angle to show true colors of items in the room.

The flash did the trick, though. Now I know: the couch in the living room.... is brown.

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