Saturday, November 20, 2010

intended purpose of "amplified observation"

I often have ideas for projects. Projects that I think it will be a piece of cake to commit to and follow through with. It hardly ever turns out that I actually do these things... For example, I've started countless projects on Flickr and given up on them partway through.

This project, which I'm calling amplified observation, is something that will get built over time, but the general idea is this: I take a picture, draw, or expand upon an existing photo of mine--create some type of visual documentation of something I encounter or feel--every time I make a post. I then write a short piece based on that picture. It may document exactly what I was thinking or doing that day, or it may just be a creative piece of fiction based on the image. (To distinguish what it is, I will write my intention somewhere in each post--most likely the title. The words I'll use to describe the posts will probably look something like this: "my current situation: at a glance," "what's up today," "goings-on," or "I experienced this," vs. "fictional piece," "poem," "free writing," or something similar.)

I love creative prompts upon which I can expand. This project is something that I hope to do consistently, at least for a little while. (My psychiatrist actually was the one who told me that starting a blog like this would be a good idea, just to add structure to my daily routine.)

I am calling this blog amplified observation because I'm basically taking little observations in my daily life and amplifying them. I'll expand upon the experience or the message of the image I post by writing about it.

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